The winner is announced for the Elddis 50th Anniversary Legacy Competition, here’s the story

Posted on September 02, 2014

The Winner of the Elddis 50th Anniversary Legacy Competition is revealed!

On the 1st May 2014, Elddis launched a one-of-a-kind competition to celebrate the Company's 50th Anniversary.

The Winner of the Elddis 50th Anniversary Legacy Competition will come to the 50th Anniversary Factory Open Weekend and pick their prize caravan from the entire 2015 Elddis line-up!

The objective of this competition was to find a family whose life would be most transformed by winning a brand new Elddis caravan, giving the legacy of caravanning to the next generation.

Continuing the 'Legacy' theme, Elddis tracked down their 'longest-serving' Elddis owners, John and Ann Harrison and George and Anne Rickels, who each have enjoyed over 40 years of Elddis caravanning.

The Harrisons and The Rickels, along with key partners in the Industry – including The Caravan Club, The Camping and Caravanning Club and Elddis's media partners, including Haymarket and Warners – formed the 17-strong Judging Panel who independently scored the Final Fifteen applicants shortlisted.

Elddis is now delighted to announce that Louise Sutherland and sons Duncan (age 4) and Marcus (age 2) will soon be the proud owners of a brand new Elddis touring caravan. Here's their story:

"Hello, I'm Louise (aged 34), proud mummy to Duncan aged 4 and Marcus soon to be 2 – my adventurous little boys who tragically lost their adoring daddy, my wonderful Scott, just before Christmas 2012.

"I would love to give them a real taste of the outdoor life their father was so passionate about, being a gamekeeper all of his days, and do all the 'boy' things he would have just relished teaching his sons, that go so well with camping like catching and cooking their first fish, gathering sticks for a fire, exploring the seashore, spotting wildlife and really just enjoying being in the great outdoors – but with all the luxury of a home from home for mum!


"Taking to the open road anytime we like without a set plan certainly appeals to me, being in need of a brand new direction – so I would be excited to learn how to tow and set up a caravan as it would be an adventure for me as well! Thankfully, Scott had patiently (at times!) taught me how to drive with and reverse trailers of all shapes and sizes so I'm sure I'd manage to tow just fine!

"Instilling a love of caravanning in a fantastic new Elddis and enjoying the countryside would certainly be something special for the children to take with them through to later life and – who knows – perhaps even do with their kids.

"It's with fond memories I recall the camping trips with my parents and sisters, all except for the Scottish midges of the west coast, but that's staying in a tent for you!

"It would also give us the opportunity to explore the beautiful Scottish Highlands where we live as there is so much on our doorstep that we have yet to experience. Being able to stay in such stunning locations in an amazing new caravan, well protected from the elements and 'beasties' would certainly be a bonus!

"In time, as our caravanning confidence grew, I could imagine us going much further afield and exploring the fabulous British Isles in particular the coast line. I have always fancied visiting the great country houses of England (if the boy's would allow me!) … then totally going for it and taking the van to see my sisters who live in Devon and in Cornwall.

"I think from a social aspect it would be wonderful for us, meeting new people on our journeys and enjoying new activities whilst trying out different camp sites, but also being able to invite friends and family to come with us on our new found escapades!

"Purchasing a caravan would not be possible for us financially as I work part-time from home whilst the children are so young, therefore winning this competition would really be a truly life-changing experience and I'm sure help my precious little family move forward a bit more after such a devastating loss by helping to create 'new' happy memories for many years to come."

Once the judging panel's scores were collated and verified, Rob Quine, Elddis M.D. and Rachel Moncrieff, Elddis's Marketing Manager, had the enviable task of calling Louise, who lives in Ross-shire, Scotland, to share the news.

Rachel says: "Speaking to Louise and her boys was almost as exciting for us as it was for them – and I have to admit – quite emotional! Louise was, at first, simply lost for words and it took a moment for the news to sink in.


"Her story, albeit stemming from a great loss, is full of hope for the future and a heartfelt desire to instill in her boys the excitement and passion for the outdoors that Scott would have loved.

"We received thousands of competition entries, each with a personal story, all of which we read. Trimming these down to our shortlist of fifteen was a time-consuming but critical process, resulting in a Final Fifteen to be proud of!

"If we could have given a caravan to everyone, we would have! But one story, Louise's, clearly struck a chord with the panel, making her our overwhelming winner."

Rob Quine agrees: "Our wish was that our Legacy Competition would reveal a person, or family, whose life would be most improved and transformed by winning one of our caravans. We believe that in Louise, Duncan and Marcus we have found our family and that our vision for a 'Legacy' has been truly fulfilled. "

Louise says: "We are on a high and just can't stop smiling. Winning this prize – and we've never won anything before – has made our day, made our month, made our year!!"

Elddis will welcome Louise and her family to the Company's 50th Anniversary Factory Open Event on 20th and 21st September, where they will choose their favourite model and layout from the entire 2015 Season Elddis Range! winners-2